You’ve heard of the EA podcasts–
Wait, you haven’t? Escape Artists (EA) is a publishing company that operates four fiction podcasts. They have a sizable audience, are an SFWA-qualified venue, and provide a great way to experience fiction amidst busy modern life (I tend to listen to them on the subway; if you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me give shout-outs to particular episodes I’ve enjoyed). Their podcasts are:
- Escape Pod (science fiction)
- PodCastle (fantasy)
- PseudoPod (horror)
- Cast of Wonders (young adult)
Alright, so you’re wondering why I’m posting about this now. Well, because…
I have not one, but two stories coming out with the EA podcasts!
- “Subtle Ways Each Time” will be appearing in Escape Pod.
- “The Mooncakes of My Childhood” will be appearing in PodCastle.
Escape Pod and PodCastle have top-notch narration, so I’m excited for the audio versions of these stories. The EA podcasts publish both originals and reprints; in this case, neither of these stories have been published before. When released, they will be available for free on their respective podcast websites, to both read and listen to (EA is donation-supported).
It is an honour for my stories to be selected. Hopefully I will be able to storm a couple more EA podcasts in the future, if they don’t slam their shutters on me quick enough.