Greetings to the galaxy

Welcome to my site! I am Y. M. Pang. You can also call me Michelle. I am a consummate storyteller who has never quite figured out how to tell her own story, so perhaps that will convince me to keep this introductory post short. Short-ish. Or not.

I am a writer and poet based in Canada. I primarily write fantasy, though I wander into science fiction territory on a semi-regular basis. I am currently revising one novel, finishing up another, and editing about a dozen short stories. My influences could be described as a mélange of doorstopper fantasy novels, Chinese TV from my childhood, middle grade novels from my youth, and Japanese animation.

Growing up, I was not surrounded by a family of storytellers. So I had to tell the stories myself, starting with my first audience member: my poor grandfather, who had to listen to my ramblings of a heroic bear and his intrepid band of adventurers. In elementary school I wrote my first poems as well as some ragged novel chapters.

Over the past ten years, I have: participated in NaNoWriMo three times, submitted a ridiculous number of stories and poems to various magazines (the first submission when I was fifteen and using snail mail), completed a messy novel that will never see the light of day, bumped in and out of various writing groups…

Proving that persistence–or bullheadedness–does pay off, I currently have several short stories and a poem forthcoming. I hope to make those announcements soon!