Wait, you haven’t? Escape Artists (EA) is a publishing company that operates four fiction podcasts. They have a sizable audience, are an SFWA-qualified venue, and provide a great way to experience fiction amidst busy modern life (I tend to listen to them on the subway; if you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me give shout-outs to particular episodes I’ve enjoyed). Their podcasts are:
Alright, so you’re wondering why I’m posting about this now. Well, because…
I have not one, but two stories coming out with the EA podcasts!
“Subtle Ways Each Time” will be appearing in Escape Pod.
“The Mooncakes of My Childhood” will be appearing in PodCastle.
Escape Pod and PodCastle have top-notch narration, so I’m excited for the audio versions of these stories. The EA podcasts publish both originals and reprints; in this case, neither of these stories have been published before. When released, they will be available for free on their respective podcast websites, to both read and listen to (EA is donation-supported).
It is an honour for my stories to be selected. Hopefully I will be able to storm a couple more EA podcasts in the future, if they don’t slam their shutters on me quick enough.
My SFF poem “The Cosmos Chronicler” is out now in Polar Borealis #6 (April/May 2018 issue). This is, to sound all pretentious, my first piece of published creative writing.(Seriously, never even published in a school journal before.)Issue #6 is available as a free PDF download. And you can find all Polar Borealis issues here.
When I wrote it during undergrad, “The Cosmos Chronicler” started as a rhyming poem. My alma mater offered two astronomy classes for math-challenged art students: one about the sun and solar system, the other about galaxies and the universe. Being a big dreamer, a fantasy writer, and–most importantly–a full-time student who must consider how courses fit into her schedule, I chose the latter.
I discovered my poem actually aligned nicely with some images and concepts from astronomy. And to squeeze them in, I would not be able to keep the rhyme scheme. So I rewrote the poem as freeverse. I didn’t submit it anywhere though–back then I only submitted short stories. Though I’ve been writing poetry since forever, I only recently started submitting it. Thankfully, this poem found a home.
A cursory look through the Polar Borealis website will tell you that editor R. Graeme Cameron is very passionate about promoting new Canadian authors of science fiction and fantasy. If you like the magazine, the issue, or the stories or poems in the other issues, you can donate to Polar Borealis to contribute to future issues. Graeme explains it much better there than I can possibly do here.
Finally, before I end this too-long-for-a-short-poem blog post: I want to give a shout-out to Lena Ng, my friend, writing group buddy, and sparring-partner-in-vicious-critique. She has a story in the same issue, and I highly recommend it. It’s called “Kittens Crawling.” Sounds adorable, doesn’t it…?
I wanted to write a proper blog post about this. A post stitched up in gold silk. A post arranged carefully as ikebana. But screw it, I need to stop fiddling with the announcement and just go ahead with celebrations. Because:
I repeat: I sold a story to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
I sold a story to The Magazine—okay, I’ll stop now. Because even amateur writers know lists should come in three’s, and cutting off before the end isn’t such a bad idea. You’re supposed to leave ’em wanting more, right?
Back on track, back on track… I hardly need to say that The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction is special. It is the grande dame of the SF/F field. It has been—and continues to be—one of the most influential magazines around. It was the original publisher for stories like Daniel Keyes’s “Flowers for Algernon” and Stephen King’s The Gunslinger (extra special to me because The Dark Tower is one of my favourites series). And it is one of the few magazines that continues to publish in print, which means something to members of the Dead Tree Worshipper Society like myself.
I’ve dreamed of being published in it ever since I figured out I wrote fantasy. (That did take an embarrassingly long time—I was about to start high school. “Fantasy” wasn’t a genre my household–it was just part of the culture and stories). I made my first submission to Fantasy & Science Fiction in 2009, back when I was a teenager and submissions were snail mail. I wrangled with International Reply Coupons. I received rejections letters from John Joseph Adams (of Lightspeed fame—he was assistant editor of F&SF at the time); I still keep those letters. None of my stories made it up to Gordon Van Gelder, which—considering the state of my writing back then—was probably a blessing for both his sanity and mine.
I made four submissions in 2009 and 2010. Life blew up in my face soon after, and I did not make another submission until 2016. By then F&SF had a new editor in C.C. Finlay and an online submissions system. In total, I made eight submissions to F&SF before receiving an acceptance for my ninth one. I know I am not exceptional in this regard. Many authors—more experienced, prolific authors—have received many more rejections than I have.
But for any writers reading this right now: Please do not give up after three or four submissions. Please remember that, for all the big names and iconic stories F&SF has published, there is still room in its pages for new writers. At the time I submitted my story, I had no credentials whatsoever.
For any readers out there: I hope you will subscribe to F&SF (and here’s the digital option for those not part of the Dead Tree Worshipper Society). Not just because my story will be appearing there, and I darn well want you to read it! But because it is an important magazine, and within its pages you will find a great stories from both big names and new writers.
Oh, and my story? It is a fantasy novelette called “The Lady of Butterflies.” It’s set in a fantasy world that I’m currently writing a novel within—but that, as they say, is a tale for another day…
Two months ago, I made a sale. It’s finally time to let the cat—or rather, the giant mecha—out of the bag.
My story “Final Flight of the PhoenixWing” will appear in The Razor’s Edge, a military SF/F anthology from Zombies Need Brains, edited by Troy Bucher and Joshua Palmatier. The anthology will explore rebellion, insurgency, and the line between a liberator and an extremist. You can pre-order it as an ebook or a limited edition mass market paperback. It will also have a trade paperback edition upon release (Estimated release date: August 2018).
Now, a little more about my story. It has two origins: a writing prompt from nine months ago, and an old idea from… more than nine years ago.
Last summer, my writing group held a social gathering. Dinner at a restaurant, bring a piece of writing. The organizer gave us a writing prompt: use these four words in a one-page piece of writing.
Strangely, writing prompts rarely inspire brand new ideas out of me. Instead, they often incite me to dust off old ideas I’d wanted to write since forever. In this case, it was a giant mecha story I first conceived of as a teenager. (Must’ve been all that Gundam Wing I watched.)
As usual, I overshot the word limit and wrote two pages instead of one. The restaurant we selected turned out to be noisy and not exactly well-lit—hardly an ideal setting for reading a far-future science fiction story crammed onto single-spaced pages (printed at the public library, so I skimped on printing fees). I had to shout to be heard, and my writing group was probably just confused. But I had the beginnings of a story.
Fast forward a few months. Zombies Need Brains had three new anthologies in the works. I knew I had to submit something. Second Round intrigued me, but I didn’t know if I could write for it (See my comment about writing prompts. I usually find ideas that suit submission calls, rather than use submission calls to come up with ideas). I had several ideas that might fit the tone of Guilds & Glaives, but they weren’t about guilds per se. I could tweak them, of course.
Then there was The Razor’s Edge. Insurgency, rebellion, military SF/F. I opened old Word documents. Exhibit A: A novelette about rebellion and betrayal … but too long, and in very rough shape. Exhibit B: More military focused, more likely to land within word limit… but half-finished, and written years ago. I could barely remember what I’d intended to write.
Then I looked at the two pages I wrote for that writing group social. They were recently written, and required less clean-up than Exhibits A and B. I still needed to write the other half of the story, but that was easier than tackling those older stories. Between school, work, and other deadlines, I had to pick my battles.
I scribbled. I edited. I scrapped two of those “writing prompt words,” though I kept the other two. I sent my story at the last moment and thought I’d probably flown too close to the sun/insert-your-star-of-choice. I breathed a sigh of relief when I received the acknowledgement email. I was grateful that the story will be considered. I didn’t think for one second that it would be accepted.
When I received the acceptance email on January 29th, I leapt out of my chair and went dancing in the hallway. It’s not technically my first sale, but emotionally it felt like it. I’d sold a story a few months before, but the magazine went on hiatus without publishing my story. I also had a unique tentative acceptance situation going on elsewhere, but because of the uniqueness of the situation, my brain couldn’t quite remember how to shift into celebration mode. That email from Joshua and Troy made everything concrete, true. I’d made a sale. I’d made a sale to a professional market whose headliners have included people like David Farland and Seanan McGuire. Sometimes, refusing to self-reject does pay off.
I hope you will check out The Razor’s Edge when it comes out. And my story, “Final Flight of the PhoenixWing.” For extra authenticity, you may or may not wish to read it in a noisy restaurant.
Book Smugglers Publishing is the publishing venture of The Book Smugglers, a book review site run by two awesome people, Ana Grilo and Thea James. They have published writers such as Octavia Cade, Tonya Liburd, and José Iriarte. My story “The Girl with the Frozen Heart” will be one of six stories in their 2018 season, “Awakenings.”
(Dramatic voice) So, after slogging away in the rejection pile for ten years with nary a token-paying publication to my name,** I have finally sold a short story. And it’s to The Book Smugglers, who have a sizable audience and several years of impressive line-ups. And did I mention their awesomecoverart?
Give the story a read when it comes out! I hope you will enjoy it.
*Long enough to be called a “novelette” in F/SF circles but for simplicity’s sake I will refer to stories below novella length as a short story.
**Admittedly, I didn’t submit to a lot of token-paying markets. Not because I thought myself above them—oh no—but because I’d get displeased with a story and retire it before I get that far down the list.
My poem “The Cosmos Chronicler” will appear in Polar Borealis #6. The issue is scheduled for a spring 2018 release, and will be available as a free PDF download. Appearing in the same issue will be my friend Lena Ng, which makes this extra special.
Another thing that makes it special: Assuming (hoping, praying) all goes according to schedule, this will be my first published piece of either story or poetry.
The full impact hasn’t quite hit me. Maybe it will when it’s out. The past several months have been wonderful… and very, very strange. I went from ten years of rejections to several acceptances within a few months (idea for a future blog post: that rejection mountain). Not that I’m complaining—I know full well how incredible this is. It just feels surreal, more “is this really happening?” and less “this-is-happening-and-I’m-going-to-run-around-screaming!”
It may be a little odd, that my first publication will be a poem. But it’s fitting. Generally, I think of myself as a storyteller more than a poet. Telling stories is something I’ve done for as long as I can remember. Poetry I started doing in a more normal way, the way most kids start: with school assignments. (Some I went completely overboard for. Such as writing seven-page epics before I got out of elementary school. How and why did I do that? I can barely write an epic now.)
However, if you were to ask me which I started writing first, poetry or prose… I wouldn’t be able to tell you. Until I was ten I didn’t write my stories down. I’m not sure which came first: my poem about Christmas fairies or my Anne of Green Gables rip-off first chapter (Hey, I was ten!). So in a way poetry influenced me to write things rather than just imagine them.
Now I shall climb out of the nostalgia tunnel. More announcements soon, for short stories!
Welcome to my site! I am Y. M. Pang. You can also call me Michelle. I am a consummate storyteller who has never quite figured out how to tell her own story, so perhaps that will convince me to keep this introductory post short. Short-ish. Or not.
I am a writer and poet based in Canada. I primarily write fantasy, though I wander into science fiction territory on a semi-regular basis. I am currently revising one novel, finishing up another, and editing about a dozen short stories. My influences could be described as a mélange of doorstopper fantasy novels, Chinese TV from my childhood, middle grade novels from my youth, and Japanese animation.
Growing up, I was not surrounded by a family of storytellers. So I had to tell the stories myself, starting with my first audience member: my poor grandfather, who had to listen to my ramblings of a heroic bear and his intrepid band of adventurers. In elementary school I wrote my first poems as well as some ragged novel chapters.
Over the past ten years, I have: participated in NaNoWriMo three times, submitted a ridiculous number of stories and poems to various magazines (the first submission when I was fifteen and using snail mail), completed a messy novel that will never see the light of day, bumped in and out of various writing groups…
Proving that persistence–or bullheadedness–does pay off, I currently have several short stories and a poem forthcoming. I hope to make those announcements soon!